Captain Earnest Fuller Thurgood
16th Battalion Cheshire Regiment
Killed in Action 31st May 1918
Thurgood died in May 1918 and had moved to a different battalion of the Cheshire Regiment by the time he was killed.
Extract from war diary of 9th Bn, 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment
OUDERDOM – 30th April 1918
Our guns were active from about 12.30 a.m to 1.30 a.m and again from 2.30 a.m to dawn. Quiet day. Warning order received that the Brigade would relieve the right sector of the 21st Division probably on the night 1/2nd May. 4.30 pm Enemy shelled the batteries in the vicinity of the battalion very heavily and followed this by a shrapnel shoot about 6.30 p.m. Capt E.F. THURGOOD, Capt A.J. GATELEY, Lieuts. G.W. DAY, W.W. UNDERWOOD, 2nd Lieut G.E. WALTHO and 18. O. Ranks reinforcements reported their arrival.