From 1st to 8th June 1916 the Battalion were again on the front line at Neuve Chapelle. Several men were wounded and Lieut W R Batty was evacuated with suspected endemic fever.
Group at Croix Barbee support billets
They marched to La Fosse on 16th June 1916.
La Fosse, June 1916
From La Fosse they moved to Hinges (17th-30th).
After early AM run, Hinges June 1916
The month ended in XI Corps reserve.
The images below are from sometime in the summer of 1916.
Private Bowman, Z Company Mess Cook
CSM Baker, Z Company
After early AM run, Hinges June 1916La Fosse, June 1916Hewitt & BlakeRelaxing out of lineThe first half hour out of the line, location unknownPrivate Bowman, Z Company Mess CookLieutenant WF Findlay, Bombing OfficerThurgood, Major R Worthington, Halsall & Blake