On 3rd May the Battalion returned to the front line at Ferme du Bois, there were no casualties and they were relieved 3 days later when they moved to Fosse. From 14th to 27th May, Charles and his men were in Neuve Chapelle at the front undergoing artillery bombardment on a regular basis and suffering a number of casualties.

Extract from the war diary signed by Charles:
“24th May: Artillery again active on both sides – 2 men wounded. At 10.30pm, Artillery in conjunction with T.M’s fired on Popes Nose in Right Battalion’s frontage. Enemy retaliated on our front line & B line.”
The Battalion saw out the remainder of May in reserve at Croix Barbee.

It wasn’t all bad at Neuve Chapelle though, there was some time for some light relief.

Not long after the pictures in the gallery were taken Captain Bacon was wounded. Recorded in the war diary on 25th May –
“Nothing of incident to report – Capt S C Bacon wounded – 1 O R Killed and four wounded”.